Saturday, May 10, 2008

Test Posting - remote

This is a test posting from e-mail remotely. Lets see whether this goes through smoothly and whether paragraphs get formatted properly. One of the tests might be to see if even any bold a format will work. Maybe we'll select the word bold, and say "bold that". (Nope, it doesn't seem to work).

This is a new paragraph written remotely through Dragon NaturallySpeaking. It's important to turn off the radio in the background because of the noise issues won't seem to pick pick up a the correct words.

Many things to do, let's see if we can now make this work, signing off for now.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Gas at $3.69 for Regular

We better be adapting at this rate.... I would not blame this on the Arabs. It is a problem with the US Dollar. It isn't worth what it was worth. Starting to remind me of Yugoslavia in the late 8o's when prices for a meal, or ferry journey were being updated by the week if not day.

If a dollar is not worth as much, Oil, priced in dollars, will cost more dollars on a sliding scale. Euro prices (or Euro equivalent prices) are probably pretty level... but that said, a gallon equivalent is still pushing $6.00 a gallon in Germany these days... A big part here is "gas taxes".. In Europe fuel is taxed pretty rationally, which encourages mass transportation (which they kick ass at) as well as higher fuel efficiency vehicles which, again, they kick ass at.

Here in the US, Ford and Chrysler claim they are can't react fast enough to the demand for higher efficiency vehicles, but if you look at their fleets in Europe they already have it dialed. Small displacement Turbo Diesels, and CDI equivalvents probably offer twice the efficiencies of what they are offering in the US/Canada markets. What this really means is that they pay $6.00 a Gallon and we pay $8.00 in real terms.

We are getting SCREWED by the Auto/Oil industrial complex that our EPA and related entities (US Customs and DOT) are all to willing cooperators in.

Bye Bye American ingenuity. We are hostages to our own Macro security complex. We better start adapting, and start adapting soon.

I will follow w/ info about some of the x's and i's in this equation.

Happy fueling.